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Ditchwitch Zahn Multi Utility Machine

Ditchwitch Zahn Multi Utility Machine

Surface condition after ploughing

Hadlee and Brunton’s Zahn is an extremely versatile machine that we use for a wide range of tasks we simply swap the attachments on the front. It is also very manoeuvrable in tight spaces. Our Zahn has both wheels and tracks (skid shoes) which minimises reinstatement.

Vibratory Mole Plough






Machine 4-Way Clam Bucket






Ground Tiler (Rotary Hoe)














Self Loading Dumper









Auger / Post Hole Borer








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Hadlee & Brunton

The company has been in business since 1906.
Hadlee & Brunton prides itself on providing the highest level of
plumbing, drainage, drilling, roofing & maintenance service to the
public, local body and rural sectors, and we guarantee it.


Hadlee & Brunton Ltd
6 North Street, Timaru
(03) 684 3817

© Copyright 2019 Hadlee and Brunton Ltd