10 reasons why you should use drilling over trenching
10 Reasons why you should use horizontal directional drilling vs. trenching for your next project
- Costs less, especially when there are high restoration costs
- Easier installation in areas with limited access (under buildings, roads, railway tracks, hills, rivers, ponds, heavily-wooded areas)
- Less impact on job site and public
- Reduced restoration costs due to minimal impact on land, asphalt or concrete
- Maintains a cleaner job site
- Allows for installation of conduit and pipelines without the need for deep excavations or ground stablisation
- Allows for installation with high ground water without the need for dewatering pumps
- Reduced installation time, which can save time in project schedule
- Environmentally-friendly process
- Life cycle costing – You do not have on-going surface slumping and reinstatement costs from backfilled trenches